Anders Herzberg

Why you need Schema markup

Schema Markup for SEO: Making Search Engine’s Understand You Better “Just ’cause you can’t eyeball it, don’t mean it ain’t the cat’s pajamas.” What is Schema Markup? Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a code added to webpages to help search engines understand and display content more effectively.

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Anders Herzberg

SEO is not Dead, Organic Search Still Rules

Rand and Zero Clicks Recently Rand Fishkin posted this article about where click traffic goes after a search. He’s got some good points about optimizing for Zero Click traffic that SEO’s should be taking note of. However, I think the whole SEO is dead narrative is overblown. If anything, this

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Anders Herzberg

What Are Site Maps?

A Complete Guide to Sitemaps: Purposes and Uses “Say, can you point me in the right direction?” What is a Sitemap? A sitemap is a file, hosted on your website, that details the structure of your website, listing pages, videos, images, and other files, and illustrating the relationships between them.

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Anders Herzberg

Making Social Media Work for Small Businesses

Why Social Media Matters for Every Business “If you ain’t got a crowd, are you really in the game?” Social media has become a critical component of the modern customer journey, making social media marketing indispensable for businesses of all sizes. While it offers numerous advantages, small businesses often face

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