What is Schema Markup? Making Robots Understand Your Website

Search engines are pretty smart, but they are still limited.

You may have heard the term, schema markup, but what is it? How does it work and what does it do for your SEO efforts? 

Well pal, you’re in luck. 

I’m going to break down what schema markup is. How to go about getting it up and running for your website. And what they do for your SEO efforts. 

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So what's the big idea?

Schema markup is a dramatically underutilized tool that helps search engines to better understand your website. 

Essentially, they help to give the context that people inherently understand by looking at the page. 

Think about it like this. If I say I’m holding a hammer, you understand that a hammer is probably made from metal and wood. Has a blunt end for driving nails, and a claw for pulling them. 

A computer inherently lacks this context that we “just have”. Schema markup is designed to fill in that gap and give the context to computers that they lack. 

A website with proper Schema Markup can receive more eye catching, and complete listings in search results on Google that searchers are more likely to click on.

72.6% of webpages on the first page of Google use Schema markup but only 30% of all websites implement it. 

That’s a cryin’ shame, because not only do pages with schema markup get 40% higher click through rates, but the rich results (fancy pants search engine results) that they help to create get 58% 


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The history of schema markup

Launched back in the good ol’ days on June 2nd, 2011. Schema.org is a joint effort between Bing, Google, and Yahoo. With Yandex coming on soon after in November of that same year.

As stated above, it is an attempt to give additional context to the text and information presented to a search engine. 

Schema markup, actually was not the first attempt to create a standardized “language” for defining information on the web. GoodRelations, actually predated it. Launching in 2009, GoodRelations sought to do the same thing. Give consistent, machine readable, information about products. 

However, instead of attempting to become competing standards. GoodRelations was folded into schema markup. 

I’ll spare you most of the technical details about how the data works and is integrated into your website. As much of the process has matured in a way that no longer needs manual code implementation, in most cases. 

But for the curious gumshoes, there are 811 Types, 1484 Properties, 14 Datatypes, 89 Enumerations, and 495 Enumeration members that you can look at on Schema.org here.

Implementing Schema Markup properly

While the exact process for implementing schema markup varies depending on what tools you are using to create and manage your website, I will go over how to implement Schema Mark up on the most popular website building platform, WordPress.

For those of you who are on other platforms such as Wix or rolling your own. You’ll have to look up the process for yourself, but rest assured that it has only become easier and easier over the years to integrate schema markup into your website. 

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Schema Markup on WordPress


Schema Markup for Other Platforms

But wait, how does it help with my rankings?

Well, here’s the rub. It’s not a “direct” ranking factor. You defiantly won’t rank spam or lazy, low effort content with schema markup being slapped on it. Put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. 

But what it can do is help search engines better understand and sift through your website. Giving you an edge against everyone else, and it’s an edge that you should be taking advantage of. 

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Schema markup doesn't have to be hard

Getting your website set up with schema markup has never been easier with the tools that are available today. However, you want to make sure that it is implemented correctly. 

That’s where experts like us come in. If you want help with your SEO efforts, contact us and we’ll create a bespoke digital marketing plan to help your business shine. 

SEO Sins: Guide to Local SEO

Learn how to avoid the most common SEO mistakes that will cost your business big money. This comprehensive guide shows you everything you need to know to get started with the basics of local SEO. 

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