SEO News

An Evil Cyborg
Anders Herzberg

Mobile First Indexing is People First Indexing

Mobile First Indexing: The Human Network In a world where data is the new gold, the way tech giants collect and utilize information often remains behind a veil. Hold onto your hats, folks—Cindy Krum has some eye-opening insights that might just make you see the web in a whole new

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bloody knife 1
Anders Herzberg

Black Hat SEO: New Bot Attack Method Harming Rankings

Fake Clicks Could Be Harming Your Rankings Extra! Extra! Extra! Read all about it!  A new black hat, negative SEO tactic has been found harming rankings through fake “short clicks”. This has already been seen in the wild, harming rankings for important keywords. Read on for more details, and how

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jailed mouse
Anders Herzberg

SEO is not Dead, Organic Search Still Rules

Rand and Zero Clicks Recently Rand Fishkin posted this article about where click traffic goes after a search. He’s got some good points about optimizing for Zero Click traffic that SEO’s should be taking note of. However, I think the whole SEO is dead narrative is overblown. If anything, this

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Anders Herzberg

The Google API Leak for Everyone Else

If You Don’t Follow SEO You Probably Didn’t Hear Google recently leaked API documentation revealing how their Search Engine, YouTube, and Chrome work together. This could impact the Rumble vs. Google case and shows exactly how Google interfered with “Election Misinformation” and “Covid Misinformation” and hides other manipulations as well.

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SEO News from Heartless Bastard

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