Selected Case Studies

Reno Vein Clinic


Reno Vein Clinic is a medical practice that specializes in the treatment of varicose veins, spider veins, cosmetic skin problems. 

Despite being in business for over 2 decades they had very little brand recognition and were losing marketing share to multiple newer practices.


An outdated website with poor code structure, no social media presence to speak of and a website that was very difficult to index for major search engines, are all factors that contributed to their poor online performance.

At a Glance

As our relationship grew with RVC, after the initial fast success that we helped them realize; the project expanded in many ways. We will, however, focus on SEO for this study.


We started with a complete rebuild and redesign of the RVC website. The new website was built using strong SEO principles great content, and sexy visuals. A link building campaign and outreach brought it home.

Key Accomplishments


Top SEO Keyword Rankings


Increase in Search Engine Traffic


Positive Brand Opinion


(1) SEO Campaign Benefits

RVC saw a massive increase in targeted online traffic resulting in a full patient schedule. This is due to top rankings for all of their targeted keywords.

(2) Digital Rebrand Benefits

Their stunning new website was beautiful and functional,
offering a superior visitor experience and increasing

(3) Brand Promotion Benefits

By promoting the rebranded business, we gave them a new
face, a new reputation, and put them at the forefront of their

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Notable Historic Case Studies from the desk of Jason J. Green

Previous notable clients, projects, and achievements for them. 

Building the La Ribera Volunteer Fire Department


After some significant changes in my personal life, I had a novel idea:

What if my capabilities and resources were used for something good? What if I did it because it was the right thing to do?

And even scarier, what if I did it for free?

This campaign is what sparked my departure from political work, as part of an extensive life overhaul. My goal is to ensure that my legacy is more than just wet-work. – Jason J. Green

Bomberos Voluntarios Cabo Este 500px

Project Goals

The La Ribera Volunteer Fire Department campaign aimed to drive donations, awareness, and coverage to build the first fully functional and expertly trained fire department for the people of La Ribera BCS and surrounding areas. These areas are very underserved by fire rescue, and a tragedy prompted the campaign’s inception.

To Date

We are making tremendous progress, garnering many donations and local support. 

The new fire department has already responded to many incidences in the community. Providing lifesaving services, that has had an immense positive impact on the community. 

Scope of Work

Gold Mart


This project focused on getting more people to visit and buy from the Goldmart website and fixing bad reputation problems, like negative YouTube videos that showed up before Goldmart’s own site in search results. We also worked on a big Magento development project.


Massive increase in visitors and conversions though not only SEO efforts but also targeted reputational management as well. Resulting in substantial gains for every key metric. 


King 888


King 888 Energy Drink was a big campaign to launch a new energy drink nationwide. We started from scratch and designed, developed, and promoted a new website. We also worked on alternative branding, guerrilla marketing, creating media, and many public awareness activities.

king 888 logo



  • Designed, developed, optimized, and launched the King 888 Website
  • Created national awareness for King 888 
  • Increase Brand Awareness 
  • Generated significant sales nationwide
  • Gained prominent product placement on Prime-Time TV shows 

The Truth About Rockstar


The Truth About Rockstar (TARS) project was an extensive negative reputation management campaign that served as a proving ground for various innovative web methodologies, strategies, and proprietary technologies we were developing.

TARS focused on employing experimental disruptive reputation management techniques, with a strong emphasis on translating web-based actions into real-world effects.

Summarizing this campaign does it no justice, so additional details are available upon request.

The Effect

I dominated the search space for Rockstar’s brand name search phrases, replacing their information with information provided by me. We garnered support from celebrities, initiated a national movement including a retail boycott, and even organized a parade in Los Angeles.

The Response

We faced a barrage of threats and cease and desist orders directed at us and our supporters. There was a particularly ominous threat from one of O.J. Simpson’s lawyers. We endured legal persecution, destruction of personal property, threats of physical harm, and complex legal proceedings, all against a very disgruntled energy drink company.

End Result

The campaign led to a corporate restructuring at Rockstar, the official adoption of LGBTQ sensitivity and support initiatives, and a $100,000 donation to LGBTQ organizations and bloggers. This was an incredible endeavor that produced powerful reputation management technology.

A Significant Victory

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